The image of Lord of Sorrows suffered an attack yesterday in which he tore a finger of his left hand. Authorship is unknown although the fact has been dislocated left arm around the strong pull he suffered the image. After inspecting the chapel and the whole environment of the Provincial Hospital finger has not appeared. The image, which was removed from the cult, is on the premises of the Brotherhood of waiting for the carver and author of the corporation's brother Luis Alvarez-Duarte assess the damage further. During the day today closed the chapel is scheduled to reopen tomorrow again to worship at its usual time.
is expected that the image of the Lord be put back to worship next week, coinciding with the exit Image Rosary Marian Brotherhood in the chapel of the Royal Hospital Provincial.
The author of the image Luis Alvarez Duarte, will be here next week in Almeria, coinciding with the worship of Our Lady of the Rosary of the Sea in its mysteries Dolosoros and attend the Holy Rosary Procession of the Image also carved for him.