The Sumak Kawsay or Sum Qamaña,
is The Living in Harmony and Balance. Rainbow Walkers
Release 2 and we feel there are still many flaws, deformation and distortions about what has been said so far about the Sumak Kawsay (Kichwa) or the sum Qamaña (Aymara). From what we understood of the Andean masters, not the Living Well (Bolivia) or Good Life (Ecuador) as has been said, but the Living in Harmony or Living in Balance. Is not the same Sumak Kawsay and Alli Kawsay (Good Life) or Sum Qamaña Qamaña and Wali (Living Well). When speaking of the Living in Harmony and Balance, is understood to be the harmony between two forces or additions.
When it comes to live well we need to establish its complementary opposite and that would be the Living Less Well, in the Andean languages \u200b\u200bhave no concept of evil, and when you want to express that something is wrong is said Mana Alli (less well) or Jan Wali (no good). Some say the Living Well and Living Well is to live in harmony, but it is not the same, for Living in Harmony is to live on the edge of living well and living quite well. The harmony and balance is always the meeting point between two oppositions or polarities proportional.
This is essential to determine, it is always necessary to establish the duality, which allows for the two lifts in which the multiverse evolves and allows you to find the balance between them. Life as we know it is thanks to the meeting of two complementary forces that reproduce and transform life: men and women, hot and cold, up-down, mind-matter ... Otherwise we would fall into the monism or join, which has led us to live extremism and fundamentalism of the owners of the truth, such as have been these past 2000 years with Western developmental monism, which was conceived as the only true valid and true civilization, culture, religion, science ... that existed on planet Earth. And this could be the case for the proponents of Living Well / Living Well, where would impose the values \u200b\u200band principles of what for them is the Living Well / Living Well on having another look at what is Living Well or Better Living and Wellness.
However, when looking for Living in Harmony and Balance, sought a consensus between the opposition and also complementary to antagonistic oppositions in which one imposes nothing, but is the necessary agreement to which the parties must reach in order to live. Otherwise would not have learned as humanity, that there is no truth and who are those in darkness, but would continue in the struggle between these two positions, which overlaps in time one and another time the other, as has been the recent history of mankind. There have been looking for systems and ways of how to produce separation, hierarchy and where the final few imposing their rules to others, pretending that this is the model natural and normal functioning for all, rather what has been achieved is to create a confrontational, competitive and discriminatory. In contrast, the Living in Harmony and Balance, is to define a system in which the agreements, the commonalities, synergies, the correspondences are that mark human life, and being the fundamental purpose of perfecting or tune each Again, despite the latent and permanent opposition, but that is their life mission, to seek communion and no separation or division. That is, ending the Roman maxim that has ruled since 2000 years ago: "divide and conquer."

On the other hand, is so on to determine what is right, then something can be good for some but for others that it can be bad or not so good, and in that discussion comes at a time since the dictatorship or democracy, where truth is imposed by force or by the power of majorities against minorities. This will lead to the same problem we have lived between good and evil of the past 200 years, between those who defend themselves and kill in the name of good against evil course. Who will venture to determine what is right and what is evil, and take positions opposed to theirs? Never reach a solution because there is always someone who thinks he well and one feels hurt. In contrast, when all take a stand on and no one assumes in advance that is good, there is open and willing to find consensus, mediation to reach mutual partnerships.
Many will say but that is unrealistic, impractical, unrealistic. Now in this adversarial system of good and evil is. That is the attitude of establishing what is good and what is evil, is what has established precisely this confrontation. It is not enough nor is it clear, to say that one thing is the Living Well Andino and another thing to live for the good, which is the Western religious view. Both somehow intersect at some point and carried to the extremes and prospects. Hence the importance of not establish or define who is good, but simply as grandparents and teachers say the Andes, to establish a meeting point or center (Taypi) between two elements, forces, powers, or positions. This dual complementary male and female must also be expressed at the point of interaction between two forces or energies, harmony and balance is feminine is masculine, thus generating more life only for reconciliation with her life. Hence the Sumak Kawsay or Sum Qamaña is not only living in harmony but also in balance and reconciliation is at the center of the two primary forces of life.

This was already practiced and lived before the conquest, as practiced in relationships where the man was no good and evil women, where there was the dictatorship of the fathers upon the children, or democracy of some families and communities over others disagree. So much so, that it somehow still practiced in some Andean communities and families today. Through the meeting (tinkuy) between individuals, families and communities in conflict is resolved based on mutual agreement, until all are accepted and largely satisfied their aspirations. While scoring some deformities have been introduced with some practices to unrealistic ancestral as occurs in some contemporary cases in the so-called cases of "community justice or indigenous."
themselves also told English chroniclers, the most interesting case is Pedro Cieza de León, who in his Collectivist Empire of the Incas, details the high level of social and economic organization managed by a harmonious society in all fields of life. That has an almost perfect system of life, Europeans admired and inspired others to propose a similar system for Europe. Attila Chateaubriand in his book recreates an ideal society, Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his Social Contract provides a utopian society. The utopian socialists like Owen and others, may also be inspired by this book of Cieza de Leon to throw their socialist theories. And probably also in Karl Marx, as this book became a bestseller among European intellectuals and politicians, being translated into English, French, and Italian.
system that was not entirely unknown to Europeans, as the ancient cultures originating in Europe also worked in community systems harmonics, especially at the time of the Celts. In general, all the peoples of the earth met and lived in a harmonious way of life, particularly when cultures were solar and lunar who lived in harmony with nature and with the astronomical cycles of the cosmos. Only from when there was separation and isolation of humans with nature is created disharmonious social systems. The destruction of the human being was mainly in the act of desecration of nature, ie to separate god of nature considered idolatry and fetishism. That was his biggest debacle throughout human history, by yielding to God in daily life and its environment, to do supernatural and taken to another world and another dimension. And even more deepened when he was given only male characteristics with which he left the cloister and sentenced to confinement in a heaven castrated. He became a hermit god who watches from above the good and bad deeds of humans, acting as buttons to give a pass to heaven or hell, for the good and evil, respectively.
This has been the debate until today between science and religion. Recently, the English physicist Stephen Hawkins pointed out that God did not exist and that creation is explained by the laws proper functioning of nature. What science and religion can not understand is that God is all these laws, energy, power, consciousness of nature and the cosmos. That God is all that is alive in each event and item creation. That God is life itself, the existence as a whole. That is not good and evil, but living in harmony and balance between two forces that complement and need each other. Andean grandparents as summarized in two fundamental elements of human life: the thought and feeling, whose communion is manifested or expressed actions, products, work (Llankay) of wisdom (yachay-yati) and love (kuyay-munay .) That is, to live by creating harmony and balance in every manifestation of existence, it is necessary, Living Wisely (Yachay Kawsay-Yati Qamaña) and live love (Kuyay Kawsay-Munay Qamaña). But this live, is not superfluous but involves living a sacred dimension. It is a mundane act of living, but a sacred way to live life, that's the Kawsay or Qamaña.

The Living in Harmony and Balance is not a live vacuous, banal, superficial, but a sacred living with matter and spirit in communion, in sync and complementation of each other. The kawsay is the life force in the same dimension as the prana (Indian), ether (West), chi (Chinese), ki (Japanese), the ushai (Quechua), the sama (Aymara). In Aymara is very clear with the word Qama-Na, Qama is the spiritual force. And there is also the definition of God in a masculine side Pachaqamaq the Spiritual Strength of the Multiverse, and their feminine side is, Pachamama, Cosmos Material Force. Always duality between male and female, spirit and matter, visible and invisible, and where everything is sacred, nothing is profane. Antagonistic dualism between sacred and profane does not exist, but the complementary duality of spirit and matter sacred sacred. Then the sum Sumak Qamaña Kawsay or more precisely still, is the Sacred Living in Harmony and Balance. Kawsay or Qamaña The Spirit is the manifested material by generating the Life. Each person or element of life, as a god, force, energy, power, capacity, awareness of all existence in whole.
This Kawsay or Qamaña having a cosmic sacred dimension involves the ability of humans to recreate a society, a system, a culture that reproduces the multiverse to human scale, in all her creations and social events. Thus responding to life as children friendly multiverse, with its own laws of existence. This means that out of the laws of nature, involves creating an unbalanced and disharmonious world. That is, when the man got out of natural laws into the laws of the human ego has led him to undergo a series of totally contradictory social patterns and devastating nature and human beings. Models called slave kingdoms, feudal, mercantilist capitalists, socialists, communists, have been the different experiments that have led us from tomb to tomb in all corners of the globe, reaching the climax of absurdity with the virtual in postmodern society we live now, and threatens to destroy human life as a whole.

We have lived many social experiments, promoted by different kings, scholars, elected leaders who believe everyone find the perfect model. All born of mental delusion and not understanding and reconciliation with life itself, that is, natural laws function created by the live (kawsay) itself, infinite and eternal. Just over experiments social, it's time to retake the Natural Harmonic System of life, experienced and tested by the grandparents in all corners of Mother Earth. After all these experiments of human arrogance is necessary to return to the plainness and simplicity to return human beings to be respectful and responsible to our existence and life in its entirety. There is nothing to invent or create, just tune in to the laws of life, in that timing and interrelationship recreate human life. We can not continue to experiment with social and economic systems conflicting and contradictory to the laws of the multiverse.
needed humanity to live this process sacrilegious materials developed to meet and terrifying the evil side of human beings, so that today you wake up, wise and loving in another state of consciousness to rebuild their lives in other conditions and circumstances. Today reborn sense of respect among all peoples and knowledge of different cultures, with a consciousness not based on fear and guilt of another, which is opposite or different, but in the recovery and the recognition of the variety, such as expression of beauty and wealth, rather than disruption or failure. The new demand for human consciousness to be able to honor their status as intelligent and perceptive beings to live naturally (not civilized). For this, the principle is simply living in harmony and balance, use consensus, exchange, reciprocity, complementarity, cyclicality, interdependence, restitution, reconciliation, measurement, correspondence, solidarity. Natural laws are totally different from the laws of competition, profitability, profit, development, progress, freedom, of the lesser evil of monopoly, hoarding, speculation, exploitation that currently govern the world.

That is the challenge of the present to return humanity to the path of light or bright, that's the Kapak Nan, the lessons that we left the Andean grandmothers and grandfathers to the younger generation and be able to will fly the way we can continue walking the sacred path to the great ocean of total consciousness, as did the teacher Wirakocha. That being the meaning of life, the ability of a human being and society to rediscover the secrets and mysteries of the laws of life (kawsay-qamaña) to travel in all its powers, talents, skills, and be able waking up consciously in harmony and balance in each of the elements and manifestations of infinite existence. The human mission is to be a walker of life to perfect as an accomplished tightrope of life, that does not fall on either end. Perhaps life is so frivolous and despot to order the human being to accumulate material goods, when there is deep and wonderful things like entering the sacred powers to wake up in the magnificence and majesty of the vast plenitude of existence sublime (or Sum Kawsay Sumak Qamaña).
In Harmony and Reciprocity
Rainbow Walkers (Atawallpa and Paola)
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