Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Free Printable Pet Health Record
Friday, December 17, 2010
Readydrive How To Enable
imaginary totem of the jaguar in the plot of Kitu
(Diego Velasco Andrade / Project KINTYÑAN-GAIA, 2010)

imaginary totem of the jaguar in the plot of Kitu
(Diego Velasco Andrade / Project KINTYÑAN-GAIA, 2010)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Toddler Fall And Vomitting
The sacred land we now call Ecuador, land of the Equatorial parallel, Qui-to, or land in the heart or rather the "Aqua d'or" fertile territory auric water, has been from ancient times not only meeting place for peoples and cultures of the Andes, Amazon and the Pacific, but also for the people of the same Amaru-ka or "land of the sacred serpent," that magical continent with its physical configuration and its chains volcanic represents the symbol of the snake crawl Amaru and today more than ever, we announced the return of space-time spiral dump: the point turning to this new space-time X Pacha Kutik.
Yes, because the mythical "Kingdom of Quito" in the need to build identity of Juan de Velasco in the eighteenth century, of "Qui Land" to the visionaries husbands Costales Peñaherrera late twentieth century, or " Kingdom of the hummingbird "in the poet's meaning beautiful Andean equatorial Carrera Andrade, always was, is and will has been the seat of an ancient civilization, now just beginning to be revealed ... And in this new time, in this awakening In this joyous birth of a true "new era", where we locate the meaning and value of our "Pacha Sacred Ground "equatorial.
As builders and rebuilders everyday identities, penetrating color those trails will be like we find the right alignment to balance the wisdom of being equatorial know of that was hidden and is now re-emerging in our minds and our hearts and why not, in our territory and we are sure will become the seed and womb of our future identities.
In this way, begins to weave and unravel ancient and new stories, myths and legends of the ancient Land of Ki, a search that is also the finding from the mixture and the palimpsest that we are now, the result of that fierce encounter between the children straight sun with those of western Hispanic barbarism of the sixteenth century-meeting after which we will or not accept it, were finally printed in our genes and our blood our identities Andean, Amazonian and equatorial Pacific, the same as in a wise and patient waiting and fruited reborn from the ashes of our grandfathers, and then return with the ferocity and harshness of the hurricane.
The "being rational and scientific" invented and inherited from the Greco-Roman world, has been guided by the paranoid diverse UNO search of an absolute and authoritarian, in short the uni-verse, and never the "multiverse" of that ONE fierce that governs the three monotheistic religions warring world: Islam, Judaism and Jewish-Christian, now faced a struggle in capitalist global Manichean by "the Conquest of the Planet", a messianic struggle between the cases "Axis of Good" and "axis of evil", which fortunately did not fall within our remit and worse should pre-occupy.
By contrast, the "unidiverso" equatorial Andean we dream of is then the sky and land "other" of diversity and variety, the holon and the holistic, in that euphemistic "otherness" created by Euro-west to heal his guilty capital sin its brutal genocide, his disrespect for different cultures (see below) and those who believed "civilized" kill, but continue to face today as in the myth his body and head, after being butchered like Shiri (lord ) Daquilema or the Inca Tupac Amaru, which always persevere in the quest for flawless whole. That it all now calls us to burden us with the feminine force of the earth, water and the moon of our country, not that "homeland" of the Greco-Roman patrician, but from the Holy Land Equatorial Pacha.
henceforth be the condor to guide our steps and dominate our sky his visionary fly, will be the cougar who takes his steps again with the restoration of the moors and Andean forests for grazing predation carnivorous gluttony conqueror will be the snake is drained cyclic in the sky and water of the lakes and the lakes of our cherished Allpa Mama and will be on applications and other Web pioneers of a new symbolic equator where we interned with our own creativity to counter the "history" invented by the thinkers of "modernity" and "progress" by the deceitful teachings of Western historiography and the same, repetitive euro centrist ideologies of a "recent" post-modernity, those who never knew what it meant to understand a worldview , ie a cosmic vision of being, of living and to be wisely and in harmony with nature and the cosmos: that of our ancestors
Thus, the search for identities furnish to unveil our imaginary urban totem thankfully have remained "hidden" and / or deformation, in short " intangibles "in the face of the inquisitors of yesterday and today. Now we are clear that the experience of inhabiting the "center the world, "our ancestors must be paramount and sacred experience, knowledge and appreciation of the keys to our room in the heart chakra of the planet charged with the force of totemic animals, of which only now" we get to light "a : jaguar, that we will gradually allow the reconstitution of identities quitensis is paramount and that search that we discover the vector of our social, political and territorial future, ie the ontological status of cultures and peoples of the lands of KI TU and half of Ecuador, Equator or "balancing" of the XXI century. It is
amorphous through the banality of a global world in permanent crisis, a recurring KAOS, "which fortunately is not ours," it is in these lands that constitute the AXIS MUNDI: the meeting point between the energies "of the celestial world" and "terrestrial world," Equator in the continental us, and now relegated tangible inextricably with that intangible and overseas Equator across the ocean: one that has been built up our compatriots, this is the place that is not imaginary line as a poet functional to the system confused and coined, this is where we can build a new world of welcome for the new men "red, yellow, black and white" the world who wish to come to grow in peaceful and fruitful coexistence diverse and it is precisely in pursuit of this path is now open this essential knowledge about the Millennial Kitu on the Kituo CITY JAGUAR just one of the totemic active forces that gave us our ancestors and today invites us to keep walking, rediscovering, always looking at our sun's equator "unidiversidad", duality and complementarity of new and dazzling rainbow.
Kitu Andrade Diego Velasco: Land half
December 6, 2010

The sacred land we now call Ecuador, land of the Equatorial parallel, Qui-to, or land in the heart or rather the "Aqua d'or" fertile territory auric water, has been from ancient times not only meeting place for peoples and cultures of the Andes, Amazon and the Pacific, but also for the people of the same Amaru-ka or "land of the sacred serpent," that magical continent with its physical configuration and its chains volcanic represents the symbol of the snake crawl Amaru and today more than ever, we announced the return of space-time spiral dump: the point turning to this new space-time X Pacha Kutik.
Yes, because the mythical "Kingdom of Quito" in the need to build identity of Juan de Velasco in the eighteenth century, of "Qui Land" to the visionaries husbands Costales Peñaherrera late twentieth century, or " Kingdom of the hummingbird "in the poet's meaning beautiful Andean equatorial Carrera Andrade, always was, is and will has been the seat of an ancient civilization, now just beginning to be revealed ... And in this new time, in this awakening In this joyous birth of a true "new era", where we locate the meaning and value of our "Pacha Sacred Ground "equatorial.

As builders and rebuilders everyday identities, penetrating color those trails will be like we find the right alignment to balance the wisdom of being equatorial know of that was hidden and is now re-emerging in our minds and our hearts and why not, in our territory and we are sure will become the seed and womb of our future identities.
In this way, begins to weave and unravel ancient and new stories, myths and legends of the ancient Land of Ki, a search that is also the finding from the mixture and the palimpsest that we are now, the result of that fierce encounter between the children straight sun with those of western Hispanic barbarism of the sixteenth century-meeting after which we will or not accept it, were finally printed in our genes and our blood our identities Andean, Amazonian and equatorial Pacific, the same as in a wise and patient waiting and fruited reborn from the ashes of our grandfathers, and then return with the ferocity and harshness of the hurricane.
The "being rational and scientific" invented and inherited from the Greco-Roman world, has been guided by the paranoid diverse UNO search of an absolute and authoritarian, in short the uni-verse, and never the "multiverse" of that ONE fierce that governs the three monotheistic religions warring world: Islam, Judaism and Jewish-Christian, now faced a struggle in capitalist global Manichean by "the Conquest of the Planet", a messianic struggle between the cases "Axis of Good" and "axis of evil", which fortunately did not fall within our remit and worse should pre-occupy.
By contrast, the "unidiverso" equatorial Andean we dream of is then the sky and land "other" of diversity and variety, the holon and the holistic, in that euphemistic "otherness" created by Euro-west to heal his guilty capital sin its brutal genocide, his disrespect for different cultures (see below) and those who believed "civilized" kill, but continue to face today as in the myth his body and head, after being butchered like Shiri (lord ) Daquilema or the Inca Tupac Amaru, which always persevere in the quest for flawless whole. That it all now calls us to burden us with the feminine force of the earth, water and the moon of our country, not that "homeland" of the Greco-Roman patrician, but from the Holy Land Equatorial Pacha.
henceforth be the condor to guide our steps and dominate our sky his visionary fly, will be the cougar who takes his steps again with the restoration of the moors and Andean forests for grazing predation carnivorous gluttony conqueror will be the snake is drained cyclic in the sky and water of the lakes and the lakes of our cherished Allpa Mama and will be on applications and other Web pioneers of a new symbolic equator where we interned with our own creativity to counter the "history" invented by the thinkers of "modernity" and "progress" by the deceitful teachings of Western historiography and the same, repetitive euro centrist ideologies of a "recent" post-modernity, those who never knew what it meant to understand a worldview , ie a cosmic vision of being, of living and to be wisely and in harmony with nature and the cosmos: that of our ancestors

Thus, the search for identities furnish to unveil our imaginary urban totem thankfully have remained "hidden" and / or deformation, in short " intangibles "in the face of the inquisitors of yesterday and today. Now we are clear that the experience of inhabiting the "center the world, "our ancestors must be paramount and sacred experience, knowledge and appreciation of the keys to our room in the heart chakra of the planet charged with the force of totemic animals, of which only now" we get to light "a : jaguar, that we will gradually allow the reconstitution of identities quitensis is paramount and that search that we discover the vector of our social, political and territorial future, ie the ontological status of cultures and peoples of the lands of KI TU and half of Ecuador, Equator or "balancing" of the XXI century. It is
amorphous through the banality of a global world in permanent crisis, a recurring KAOS, "which fortunately is not ours," it is in these lands that constitute the AXIS MUNDI: the meeting point between the energies "of the celestial world" and "terrestrial world," Equator in the continental us, and now relegated tangible inextricably with that intangible and overseas Equator across the ocean: one that has been built up our compatriots, this is the place that is not imaginary line as a poet functional to the system confused and coined, this is where we can build a new world of welcome for the new men "red, yellow, black and white" the world who wish to come to grow in peaceful and fruitful coexistence diverse and it is precisely in pursuit of this path is now open this essential knowledge about the Millennial Kitu on the Kituo CITY JAGUAR just one of the totemic active forces that gave us our ancestors and today invites us to keep walking, rediscovering, always looking at our sun's equator "unidiversidad", duality and complementarity of new and dazzling rainbow.
Kitu Andrade Diego Velasco: Land half
December 6, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010
Verruca Plana Treatment Emedicinr
The founding of Quito and indigenous resistance
By Oswaldo Albornoz Peralta **
Quito's origins, as in almost every village, extends to the hazy days of the legend, in this case that of Quitumbe, so beautifully told by Jorge Carrera Andrade in book The Way of the Sun Behind the galas the legend is indeed a specific historical event: the gradual development of a people, until the confederation of tribes, the Confederation of Quito.
The Confederation of Quito, at the time of the arrival of the Incas, is in full expansion and has achieved considerable economic progress, as evidenced by its construction materials it on the progress achieved in agriculture and knowledge of work of some metals. Naturally, as a manifestation of this development also, the original equality of its inhabitants has been disappearing and it has thrived as an aristocracy which occupies the top of the social conglomerate.
Thus, the Confederation of Quito, has its own personality and definite. This also explains why during the half century of Inca domination, despite the innovations, could maintain their specific characteristics and won respect of the conqueror. That has always been alive, the desire to regain the lost independence.
The English conquest, which comes after, requires a different course to the history of Indian people.
Benalcázar Passing to Quito is marked by the devastation and blood. Garcés Enrique Alvarado said that when he arrives, he did not know his location, he realizes that stood by his countrymen, to see "destroyed villages, dead bodies of Indians and great desolation and ruin." [1] And he proceeds in the same way as the historian Aquiles Perez says, "where he plundered the villages, stole all articles of gold and silver found, forced, chains and dogs, that many men and women, with their children, will lead loads; hanged two Indian chiefs, allowed the Indians of Guatemala eat the flesh of our Indian coast. "[2] die, exhausted by the exhausting work they are submitted, the majority of Indians and blacks brought from Central America.
cynically be said in a report of the Cabildo of Quito practiced all possible measures to find those hidden treasures that are created. Proceedings, which are nothing but the most cruel torture of Indian chiefs. The club, flogging and the stocks, and especially the fire to the feet, are preferred. And the end, if not pay off, is none other than the most cruel death.
is a chapter of conquerors, whose members, cruelty and blood are but means of domination. Pedro de Puelles, a specialist on Indian hunting with hounds, it receives a vote of thanks and respect for the killings verified.
succumb So, among several others, Cozopamba, Zopozopangui and Rumiñahui cited by Aquiles Pérez. Most of them, after of the essential torture are condemned to the stake as if they were prisoners of the Inquisition.
Benalcázar and his captains never abandon the ways of crime. When they leave Quito and head for Ontario, come there, similar to the one here. In this regard, Germain Arciniegas says: "It is true that Benalcázar no longer go through blood and fire. Leaving Quito divided into three branches and sends his army Juan de Ampudia to go with one of leader. You must follow the streets of the mountain, "says the boss, and not dangerous to insist on action, we will follow you. It is not difficult to follow in the footsteps of Benalcázar champion, because as Ampudia burning all people bumping and slaughters the Indians, by the ashes and blood will soon guide Don Sebastian. [3]
This is the same as before, in his insatiable quest for gold had exterminated the population of Chambo in the province of Chimborazo, whose chief makes him burn alive, as was done before with the Canari Chapera Well deserved his nickname of "monster" or "Atila del Cauca" when participating in the conquest of Cundinamarca!
Pedro Cieza de Leon in The Chronicle of Peru says that God punishes the Benalcázar advance for crimes committed against Indians. He argues "that life was pulled from the control of governor for the judge to take account, full of work and poor, sadness and thoughts, died in the government of Cartagena." [4] Little punishment for our opinion.
* See full article at

The founding of Quito and indigenous resistance
By Oswaldo Albornoz Peralta **
Quito's origins, as in almost every village, extends to the hazy days of the legend, in this case that of Quitumbe, so beautifully told by Jorge Carrera Andrade in book The Way of the Sun Behind the galas the legend is indeed a specific historical event: the gradual development of a people, until the confederation of tribes, the Confederation of Quito.
The Confederation of Quito, at the time of the arrival of the Incas, is in full expansion and has achieved considerable economic progress, as evidenced by its construction materials it on the progress achieved in agriculture and knowledge of work of some metals. Naturally, as a manifestation of this development also, the original equality of its inhabitants has been disappearing and it has thrived as an aristocracy which occupies the top of the social conglomerate.
Thus, the Confederation of Quito, has its own personality and definite. This also explains why during the half century of Inca domination, despite the innovations, could maintain their specific characteristics and won respect of the conqueror. That has always been alive, the desire to regain the lost independence.

The English conquest, which comes after, requires a different course to the history of Indian people.
Benalcázar Passing to Quito is marked by the devastation and blood. Garcés Enrique Alvarado said that when he arrives, he did not know his location, he realizes that stood by his countrymen, to see "destroyed villages, dead bodies of Indians and great desolation and ruin." [1] And he proceeds in the same way as the historian Aquiles Perez says, "where he plundered the villages, stole all articles of gold and silver found, forced, chains and dogs, that many men and women, with their children, will lead loads; hanged two Indian chiefs, allowed the Indians of Guatemala eat the flesh of our Indian coast. "[2] die, exhausted by the exhausting work they are submitted, the majority of Indians and blacks brought from Central America.
cynically be said in a report of the Cabildo of Quito practiced all possible measures to find those hidden treasures that are created. Proceedings, which are nothing but the most cruel torture of Indian chiefs. The club, flogging and the stocks, and especially the fire to the feet, are preferred. And the end, if not pay off, is none other than the most cruel death.
is a chapter of conquerors, whose members, cruelty and blood are but means of domination. Pedro de Puelles, a specialist on Indian hunting with hounds, it receives a vote of thanks and respect for the killings verified.
succumb So, among several others, Cozopamba, Zopozopangui and Rumiñahui cited by Aquiles Pérez. Most of them, after of the essential torture are condemned to the stake as if they were prisoners of the Inquisition.
Benalcázar and his captains never abandon the ways of crime. When they leave Quito and head for Ontario, come there, similar to the one here. In this regard, Germain Arciniegas says: "It is true that Benalcázar no longer go through blood and fire. Leaving Quito divided into three branches and sends his army Juan de Ampudia to go with one of leader. You must follow the streets of the mountain, "says the boss, and not dangerous to insist on action, we will follow you. It is not difficult to follow in the footsteps of Benalcázar champion, because as Ampudia burning all people bumping and slaughters the Indians, by the ashes and blood will soon guide Don Sebastian. [3]

This is the same as before, in his insatiable quest for gold had exterminated the population of Chambo in the province of Chimborazo, whose chief makes him burn alive, as was done before with the Canari Chapera Well deserved his nickname of "monster" or "Atila del Cauca" when participating in the conquest of Cundinamarca!
Pedro Cieza de Leon in The Chronicle of Peru says that God punishes the Benalcázar advance for crimes committed against Indians. He argues "that life was pulled from the control of governor for the judge to take account, full of work and poor, sadness and thoughts, died in the government of Cartagena." [4] Little punishment for our opinion.

* See full article at
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Mount & Blade, Unable To Connect To Server
Taurine and Antitaurino IMAGINARY IN QUITO *
The bull has its mythological significance in primary cultures, and from the European Mediterranean mythology (Persian, Babylonian, Greek and Iberian) is an animal revered, idolized and mystified by his relationship with the strength, fertility, lightning, storm and rain or the representation of lunar phases, while, from the Judeo-Christian mythology and Catholic constitutes a "diabolical representation" barbaric and pagan tradition, reaffirming its status as "animal" less and wild against the human being supposedly "superior" and endowed with thought, feeling and "reason."
It should be noted that the bull "is used" in bullfighting, is a "bull" built in a slow, systematic and sometimes genetic intervention, to perform at fairs, tournaments, runs and other "bullfighting" since the Middle Ages, eventually asserting itself in the Iberian peninsula and the subsequent English Monarchy and Republic, which has not happened in other European territories , especially the Mediterranean area.
bulls, cows and livestock grazing, verbigracia the "bullfighting" came to our land during the invasion and "conquer" the English, and over time has had a steady but uneven growth, driven by the ideology of "pure-blooded", of " white "and of" hacienda ", besides being linked to the macrobiotic diet modification by that omnivorous Andean touted as superior to the alien English population, this adds to your link and apparently unusual alliance with the religious practices and Christian implemented by the authorities of the Catholic Church, love of his rough correlation with the authoritarian political administrative system, from the colonial regime.
A recovery of the colonial imaginary is made in the early years of the decade of 60, to the point that Quito and "Jesus Fair of Great Power "was taken up by the Catholic Alliance, Quito, Inland Revenue, before the advancing danger of" international communism "under the bad example of the" Cuban revolution "for the revolutionary youth of the time and Ecuador, has since been promoted as "Best of America" \u200b\u200bdue to the presentation of "renowned bullfighters, coinciding with the strengthening of the imaginary" colonial and pure "of" Foundation of the very noble and very loyal San Francisco de Quito, December 6 , 1534, in accordance with the spread of Catholic religion supposedly "civilizing" implemented by the English crown.
A contemporary discussion between "party" and "killing" it can be interpreted as part of the discussion of imaginary contemporary world between those who support the attachment or reverence for nature "as primary parent or native indigenous societies and those who advocate "modernity", denoting the areas of bio-cultural awareness and projection biopolitics, a pretext of real criticism and anthropological canon euro-centric and / or "speciesism" (human beings evolved as the only species) This last article from the "society West "(as for instance Judeo-Christian mythology) as well as a symbol of the permanence of a capitalist ideology that claims to" global "universalist" in tune with technological progress "of" developed countries "in the world.
Those with taste and penchant for bull advocate, "going beyond the artistic to the political, that" democracy "all people" are free to act and to choose what they want, "as a life option, cultural and festive. "This debate always brings controversy since the new consciousness of identity in Quito, because bullfighting is a party in place since the colonial era on the solstice and equinox festivals and indigenous sacred places, indigenous courts or shafts or road ceques ritual, the same that are held in syncretic form to our days, form of roads and routes of processions or pilgrimages have been gradually occupied by colonial buildings and Christian churches, including bullfighting has served as a mechanism of proselytism and concealment of activities indigenous rituals of sun and moon, supposedly being implemented as a feast " popular in smaller towns and even villages Andean strong indigenous population, governed until recent years, small-town elites to claim "white-mestizo."
to their "lovers", bullfighting is considered "art" real "poetry" to "aesthetics" for all "symbolic" that it entails. However, bullfighting in general terms it can be considered as an ideological deliberately ritual, full of intent and for certain sectors, such as the remaining term of Manichaeism religious ideology that stigmatizes and establishes insurmountable differences between "good and evil" , between "life and death" "Between light and dark" in addition to being advocates for an act of courage of some super-heroes ("matatoros") who risk their lives, faced with an animal whose characteristics are courage and behavior " instinctive nature, making the act a true bullfighting metaphor for supremacy of the "civilized world" against that barbaric and "wild" of worship and reverence for nature "yet to be dominated" world view supposedly backward "remnant of the people primitive. "
Fashion is also a fundamental part of the imaginary bull equatorial, as has been seen each year, generating a new trend in the way they dress and use the "suit of lights" from the already remote feudal times, the "matatoros" today euphemistically called "bullfighters" and denotes its influence in the dissemination of "fashion" among those attending the "party" under the use and / or abuse anarchic fashion codes and expressing so pathetic baroque costumes to "the Andalusian" " the cowboy "and" montubio equatorial latter by the use of smart "Panama huts, sunglasses and designer jeans, this adds the manipulation of models and accessories that are considered desirable or real codes of "good taste" of distinction by the local elites, who pose for the cameras of the media cutting yellow, making visible a real folk " jet set "political, intellectual and artistic.
Although most of Quito's population does not show any interest in this activity without ancestral cultural tradition and that the "bullfighters Ecuadorians have no great reputation internationally, the company created to manage Fair with wholehearted support of the municipality Quito: CITOTUSA and the Ecuadorian farms "fighting bulls, consider the bullfighting as a commercial crusade to gain alternative to their" interest-capitalist agro-pastoral "and stands as the proponent of a" good image for the city of Quito and the entire country, so that in recent years have been unusual reappearance in our midst are also "native matatoros: some children of farmers and cattle ranchers (as the previous rather came from sectors) being usually magnified their shares in the markets of Mexico, Colombia and Peru, and on occasion memorable to the legendary bullrings of Spain ...
The essence of bullfighting, bullfighting future discussion, at this point in the first decade of the century and during the "50 th anniversary of the show Jesus del Gran Poder", seems to be centered between the commercial interests of "the business of party "linked to the appearance" milk-tourist and business "of the event, with those of" ordinary citizens "and particularly with those of environmental activists," animal "and managers of the new urban anti-colonial imaginary by a" millennial Kitu "and multicultural breaking the colonialist vision Quito by the pseudo-pure, traditional elites, want to give new meaning to the current metropolitan city and not be a "English city in the Andes."
If bullfighting argue that this deadly activity: it is all a "party of popular tradition," and business groups anchor their collective identities in "English Foundation" Resalat also the "huge profits" that "JESUS \u200b\u200bTHE FAIR GREAT POWER "brings to the country's economy, and even the" popular sectors "who encourage bullfighting with marginal economies," even with the sale or smuggling of large amount meat-fishing during the season, which is sold and consumed illegally and sometimes illegal in poor neighborhoods and villages in the micro region quitense.
This imaginary economic and tourism in the city, whose statistics and goodness to the whole population are not evident, is supported, disseminated and promoted through mass communication strategies at the written, radio and even at audiovisual entertainment programs, happily without further hearing before other entertainment of our happy little television industry, all show the efforts of financial capital and landowner taurine, to revive the qualities insertion of Quito, in the "international tauromaníaco circuit."
In regard to the contemporary imagination of Ecuadorians against bullfighting, this looks more and progressive way, be rejected and it is very possible in a short time, the implementation of a referendum to despite the abolition of the municipal government complicity to avoid it, then we would attend a new scenario to think about their meanings are derived from angles social, historical, ecological, multicultural, as in previous polls, the majority of the population of Quito, considered as an "act cruel "for both human beings act and observe, in addition to the animals involved in this act of violence and tortured; imaginary are consistent with the interests of the world population on the animal species and the state of nature in general especially at the phenomenon of global climate change. Diego Velasco
Kitu Andrade, Land half
December 1, 2010

Taurine and Antitaurino IMAGINARY IN QUITO *
The bull has its mythological significance in primary cultures, and from the European Mediterranean mythology (Persian, Babylonian, Greek and Iberian) is an animal revered, idolized and mystified by his relationship with the strength, fertility, lightning, storm and rain or the representation of lunar phases, while, from the Judeo-Christian mythology and Catholic constitutes a "diabolical representation" barbaric and pagan tradition, reaffirming its status as "animal" less and wild against the human being supposedly "superior" and endowed with thought, feeling and "reason."
It should be noted that the bull "is used" in bullfighting, is a "bull" built in a slow, systematic and sometimes genetic intervention, to perform at fairs, tournaments, runs and other "bullfighting" since the Middle Ages, eventually asserting itself in the Iberian peninsula and the subsequent English Monarchy and Republic, which has not happened in other European territories , especially the Mediterranean area.
bulls, cows and livestock grazing, verbigracia the "bullfighting" came to our land during the invasion and "conquer" the English, and over time has had a steady but uneven growth, driven by the ideology of "pure-blooded", of " white "and of" hacienda ", besides being linked to the macrobiotic diet modification by that omnivorous Andean touted as superior to the alien English population, this adds to your link and apparently unusual alliance with the religious practices and Christian implemented by the authorities of the Catholic Church, love of his rough correlation with the authoritarian political administrative system, from the colonial regime.

A recovery of the colonial imaginary is made in the early years of the decade of 60, to the point that Quito and "Jesus Fair of Great Power "was taken up by the Catholic Alliance, Quito, Inland Revenue, before the advancing danger of" international communism "under the bad example of the" Cuban revolution "for the revolutionary youth of the time and Ecuador, has since been promoted as "Best of America" \u200b\u200bdue to the presentation of "renowned bullfighters, coinciding with the strengthening of the imaginary" colonial and pure "of" Foundation of the very noble and very loyal San Francisco de Quito, December 6 , 1534, in accordance with the spread of Catholic religion supposedly "civilizing" implemented by the English crown.
A contemporary discussion between "party" and "killing" it can be interpreted as part of the discussion of imaginary contemporary world between those who support the attachment or reverence for nature "as primary parent or native indigenous societies and those who advocate "modernity", denoting the areas of bio-cultural awareness and projection biopolitics, a pretext of real criticism and anthropological canon euro-centric and / or "speciesism" (human beings evolved as the only species) This last article from the "society West "(as for instance Judeo-Christian mythology) as well as a symbol of the permanence of a capitalist ideology that claims to" global "universalist" in tune with technological progress "of" developed countries "in the world.

Those with taste and penchant for bull advocate, "going beyond the artistic to the political, that" democracy "all people" are free to act and to choose what they want, "as a life option, cultural and festive. "This debate always brings controversy since the new consciousness of identity in Quito, because bullfighting is a party in place since the colonial era on the solstice and equinox festivals and indigenous sacred places, indigenous courts or shafts or road ceques ritual, the same that are held in syncretic form to our days, form of roads and routes of processions or pilgrimages have been gradually occupied by colonial buildings and Christian churches, including bullfighting has served as a mechanism of proselytism and concealment of activities indigenous rituals of sun and moon, supposedly being implemented as a feast " popular in smaller towns and even villages Andean strong indigenous population, governed until recent years, small-town elites to claim "white-mestizo."
to their "lovers", bullfighting is considered "art" real "poetry" to "aesthetics" for all "symbolic" that it entails. However, bullfighting in general terms it can be considered as an ideological deliberately ritual, full of intent and for certain sectors, such as the remaining term of Manichaeism religious ideology that stigmatizes and establishes insurmountable differences between "good and evil" , between "life and death" "Between light and dark" in addition to being advocates for an act of courage of some super-heroes ("matatoros") who risk their lives, faced with an animal whose characteristics are courage and behavior " instinctive nature, making the act a true bullfighting metaphor for supremacy of the "civilized world" against that barbaric and "wild" of worship and reverence for nature "yet to be dominated" world view supposedly backward "remnant of the people primitive. "

Fashion is also a fundamental part of the imaginary bull equatorial, as has been seen each year, generating a new trend in the way they dress and use the "suit of lights" from the already remote feudal times, the "matatoros" today euphemistically called "bullfighters" and denotes its influence in the dissemination of "fashion" among those attending the "party" under the use and / or abuse anarchic fashion codes and expressing so pathetic baroque costumes to "the Andalusian" " the cowboy "and" montubio equatorial latter by the use of smart "Panama huts, sunglasses and designer jeans, this adds the manipulation of models and accessories that are considered desirable or real codes of "good taste" of distinction by the local elites, who pose for the cameras of the media cutting yellow, making visible a real folk " jet set "political, intellectual and artistic.

Although most of Quito's population does not show any interest in this activity without ancestral cultural tradition and that the "bullfighters Ecuadorians have no great reputation internationally, the company created to manage Fair with wholehearted support of the municipality Quito: CITOTUSA and the Ecuadorian farms "fighting bulls, consider the bullfighting as a commercial crusade to gain alternative to their" interest-capitalist agro-pastoral "and stands as the proponent of a" good image for the city of Quito and the entire country, so that in recent years have been unusual reappearance in our midst are also "native matatoros: some children of farmers and cattle ranchers (as the previous rather came from sectors) being usually magnified their shares in the markets of Mexico, Colombia and Peru, and on occasion memorable to the legendary bullrings of Spain ...
The essence of bullfighting, bullfighting future discussion, at this point in the first decade of the century and during the "50 th anniversary of the show Jesus del Gran Poder", seems to be centered between the commercial interests of "the business of party "linked to the appearance" milk-tourist and business "of the event, with those of" ordinary citizens "and particularly with those of environmental activists," animal "and managers of the new urban anti-colonial imaginary by a" millennial Kitu "and multicultural breaking the colonialist vision Quito by the pseudo-pure, traditional elites, want to give new meaning to the current metropolitan city and not be a "English city in the Andes."
If bullfighting argue that this deadly activity: it is all a "party of popular tradition," and business groups anchor their collective identities in "English Foundation" Resalat also the "huge profits" that "JESUS \u200b\u200bTHE FAIR GREAT POWER "brings to the country's economy, and even the" popular sectors "who encourage bullfighting with marginal economies," even with the sale or smuggling of large amount meat-fishing during the season, which is sold and consumed illegally and sometimes illegal in poor neighborhoods and villages in the micro region quitense.
This imaginary economic and tourism in the city, whose statistics and goodness to the whole population are not evident, is supported, disseminated and promoted through mass communication strategies at the written, radio and even at audiovisual entertainment programs, happily without further hearing before other entertainment of our happy little television industry, all show the efforts of financial capital and landowner taurine, to revive the qualities insertion of Quito, in the "international tauromaníaco circuit."

In regard to the contemporary imagination of Ecuadorians against bullfighting, this looks more and progressive way, be rejected and it is very possible in a short time, the implementation of a referendum to despite the abolition of the municipal government complicity to avoid it, then we would attend a new scenario to think about their meanings are derived from angles social, historical, ecological, multicultural, as in previous polls, the majority of the population of Quito, considered as an "act cruel "for both human beings act and observe, in addition to the animals involved in this act of violence and tortured; imaginary are consistent with the interests of the world population on the animal species and the state of nature in general especially at the phenomenon of global climate change. Diego Velasco
Kitu Andrade, Land half
December 1, 2010
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