The founding of Quito and indigenous resistance
By Oswaldo Albornoz Peralta **
Quito's origins, as in almost every village, extends to the hazy days of the legend, in this case that of Quitumbe, so beautifully told by Jorge Carrera Andrade in book The Way of the Sun Behind the galas the legend is indeed a specific historical event: the gradual development of a people, until the confederation of tribes, the Confederation of Quito.
The Confederation of Quito, at the time of the arrival of the Incas, is in full expansion and has achieved considerable economic progress, as evidenced by its construction materials it on the progress achieved in agriculture and knowledge of work of some metals. Naturally, as a manifestation of this development also, the original equality of its inhabitants has been disappearing and it has thrived as an aristocracy which occupies the top of the social conglomerate.
Thus, the Confederation of Quito, has its own personality and definite. This also explains why during the half century of Inca domination, despite the innovations, could maintain their specific characteristics and won respect of the conqueror. That has always been alive, the desire to regain the lost independence.

The English conquest, which comes after, requires a different course to the history of Indian people.
Benalcázar Passing to Quito is marked by the devastation and blood. Garcés Enrique Alvarado said that when he arrives, he did not know his location, he realizes that stood by his countrymen, to see "destroyed villages, dead bodies of Indians and great desolation and ruin." [1] And he proceeds in the same way as the historian Aquiles Perez says, "where he plundered the villages, stole all articles of gold and silver found, forced, chains and dogs, that many men and women, with their children, will lead loads; hanged two Indian chiefs, allowed the Indians of Guatemala eat the flesh of our Indian coast. "[2] die, exhausted by the exhausting work they are submitted, the majority of Indians and blacks brought from Central America.
cynically be said in a report of the Cabildo of Quito practiced all possible measures to find those hidden treasures that are created. Proceedings, which are nothing but the most cruel torture of Indian chiefs. The club, flogging and the stocks, and especially the fire to the feet, are preferred. And the end, if not pay off, is none other than the most cruel death.
is a chapter of conquerors, whose members, cruelty and blood are but means of domination. Pedro de Puelles, a specialist on Indian hunting with hounds, it receives a vote of thanks and respect for the killings verified.
succumb So, among several others, Cozopamba, Zopozopangui and Rumiñahui cited by Aquiles Pérez. Most of them, after of the essential torture are condemned to the stake as if they were prisoners of the Inquisition.
Benalcázar and his captains never abandon the ways of crime. When they leave Quito and head for Ontario, come there, similar to the one here. In this regard, Germain Arciniegas says: "It is true that Benalcázar no longer go through blood and fire. Leaving Quito divided into three branches and sends his army Juan de Ampudia to go with one of leader. You must follow the streets of the mountain, "says the boss, and not dangerous to insist on action, we will follow you. It is not difficult to follow in the footsteps of Benalcázar champion, because as Ampudia burning all people bumping and slaughters the Indians, by the ashes and blood will soon guide Don Sebastian. [3]

This is the same as before, in his insatiable quest for gold had exterminated the population of Chambo in the province of Chimborazo, whose chief makes him burn alive, as was done before with the Canari Chapera Well deserved his nickname of "monster" or "Atila del Cauca" when participating in the conquest of Cundinamarca!
Pedro Cieza de Leon in The Chronicle of Peru says that God punishes the Benalcázar advance for crimes committed against Indians. He argues "that life was pulled from the control of governor for the judge to take account, full of work and poor, sadness and thoughts, died in the government of Cartagena." [4] Little punishment for our opinion.

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