As we approach Holy Week brotherhoods acts fill the weekends. Saturday there were two fraternities they carried out their cries, namely: Rescue and Expiration.
But to begin at the beginning of this intense Saturday of Lent. At 17 pm in the parish of St. Joseph the Worker was blessed the new image of the Holy Christ of the Good Death , sculpted by renowned carver Seville Luis Alvarez Duarte.

The new image holder Brotherhood of the Seven Words was placed on the altar of the temple. Image sufficiently close (or at least I have found it) to the original Christ that is still in the Via Crucis procession organized by the brotherhood in Lent. Congratulations to the guild because without doubt this new image enhances the brother of our city heritage.

At 20:00 hours in the beautiful setting of Hospital chapel of the Marquis de Linares the brotherhood of Expiry making his proclamation. Immediately began its Cabecera Banda elegant with classic marches as "Mater Mea", "Hosanna" and the hymn, "Nabucco."

At the same time and in the classroom SAFA acts of the brotherhood of Rescue also made its proclamation of Youth, by Maria Isabel Lliteras, part of the Banda Grande. This also acted to end playing classical marches as "Night Rescue", "Caridad del Guadalquivir", "The Last of the Mohicans" and light up "Exodus."
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