Publication in the Journal of Almería (13-March-2011) by MJUroz
The Board has been restocked acres of oak forest with mycorrhizal than four years could begin to produce, according to Environment.

Bacares Township, in the Sierra de Los Filabres, will host a pilot project in which the Ministry of Environment of the Junta de Andalucia has planted more than thousand copies mycorrhizal oak in four years could begin producing truffles, according to forecasts by the technicians. This is a scarce and highly demanded in haute cuisine, which will also serve to generate a new source of wealth in the town, as told Diario de Almería the Provincial Delegate of Environment, Sonia Rodriguez.
The implementation of the project came after the mayor's request Bacares, José Segura Jimenez, who moved to the Regional Government of the municipality that the land could host a successful planting of this type to revitalize the local economy, and also to contribute to repopulate some public lands municipally owned but which are located on site known as El Llano, as explained by the first mayor of Bacares.
The implementation of the project came after the mayor's request Bacares, José Segura Jimenez, who moved to the Regional Government of the municipality that the land could host a successful planting of this type to revitalize the local economy, and also to contribute to repopulate some public lands municipally owned but which are located on site known as El Llano, as explained by the first mayor of Bacares.
The black truffle will serve to boost local development and also combat climate change. This is the objective pursued by the Ministry, which has set the goal of enhancing the populations of the fungus at the site through a reforestation project with mycorrhizal oaks. The initiative also is part of the Plan of Conservation and Mushrooms and Truffles (CUSSTA Plan), which has launched the Government of Andalusia, whose purpose is the conservation, enjoyment and sustainable use of this resource.
"Bacares is one of the most appropriate sites in the province of Almeria for this type of plantations, both for its climate, to grow the oaks, and the quality of soil, expected to breed suitable for truffles, "according to the mayor said, while explaining that" the Almanzora Proder will start soon a study in the whole region of Almanzora to see the quality of land and would probably thrive plantations truffles.
The Ministry of Environment has completed a few months ago the work of habitat restoration and naturalization of pine trees and mountains property of municipalities and Alcóntar Bacares. The fundamental objective of the project has been to transform the masses of pine forest to reach thickness is appropriate for their age, recovering their physiological and especially species diversification by introducing or evolution of other species present under the cover, plant communities that are more advanced and closer to the climax vegetation of the area.
The Ministry of Environment has completed a few months ago the work of habitat restoration and naturalization of pine trees and mountains property of municipalities and Alcóntar Bacares. The fundamental objective of the project has been to transform the masses of pine forest to reach thickness is appropriate for their age, recovering their physiological and especially species diversification by introducing or evolution of other species present under the cover, plant communities that are more advanced and closer to the climax vegetation of the area.
Indeed, in this work is part of the planting of over a thousand oaks mycorrhizal where Bacares neighbors and the Board have their hopes set so they can take that much-coveted delicacy. Bacares City Council will be responsible for developing the crop.
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